Our lackluster performance indicated to him that we had forgotten the rudimentary aspects of basketball.
1. lackluster (adj.) not lively, exciting, or impressive
Our lackluster performance indicated to him that we had forgotten the rudimentary aspects of basketball.
1. lackluster (adj.) not lively, exciting, or impressive
Unfortunately for the schemers, a vigilant hospital guard spotted Art climbing into the rear of the ambulance and quickly foiled the escape attempt.
1. rear (n.) the part of a place or thing that is at the back
It certainly does enhance your appreciation of football when you are aware of every nuance of the sport.
1. nuance [`njuɑns] (n.) a slight difference that may be difficult to notice but is fairly important
It was not until the phony “doctor” began to gesticulate wildly with his scalpel, that a vigilant nurse was able to detect the fraud.
1. vigilant [`vɪdʒələnt] (adj.) [ formal ] watching a person or situation very carefully so that you will notice any problems or signs of danger immediately
Under the pretext of being a surgeon he gained entry to the hospital.
1. pretext (n.) a reason that you pretend to have in order to hide your real reason or intention
His speech was usually rambling, but this time I found it brief and laconic.
1. rambling (adj.) a rambling speech or piece of writing is long and confusing
One Sunday, after Mr. Coolidge had listened to an interminable sermon, a throng of newsmen gathered around him.
1. sermon (n.) a speech made by a priest or religious leader, especially as part of a religious ceremony
In the annals of crime, there are few scoundrels who could match the exploits of Reggie Hayes, who also used the names of Reginald Haven, Ricardo Hermosa, Father Harris, and dozens of other allases.
1. exploit (n.) [ usually plural ] something unusual that someone does that you think is brave, exciting, or entertaining
The sick child's mother implored the doctor to come immediately.
1. implore (v.) [ formal ] to ask someone to do something, in a very emotional way, because you want it very much