
It certainly does enhance your appreciation of football when you are aware of every nuance of the sport.

1. nuance [`njuɑns] (n.) a slight difference that may be difficult to notice but is fairly important

    Example: A translator has to be alert to every nuance.

Gloria Rogers overslept and then had to sprint to catch the same Greyhound Bus that she boarded on the last Thursday of every month.

2. sprint (v.) to run, swim etc at a very fast speed for a short period

    (n.) a short race at a fast speed

    (n.) a sudden burst of speed, energy, or activity

After a three-hour uneventful ride, she finally arrived at the bus terminal where a courtesy van was ready to transport bus passengers to Vistors Day at the State Penitentiary.

3. uneventful (adj.) without anything unusual or exciting happening

    Example: They arrived in Liverpool after an uneventful journey.

    uneventfully (adv.)

    Example: The rest of the day passed uneventfully.

4. courtesy (adj.) [ only before noun ] provided free of charge

    Example: courtesy bus/ car

    (n.) politeness, especially formal politeness in social situations

    Example: a man who treats everyone with kindness and courtesy

    common courtesy ( = ordinary politeness that everyone expects )

    Example: It's only common courtesy to thank someone when they help.

    (n.) something you say or do to be polite

    Example: It would be a courtesy to call them and tell them we'll be late.

    have the courtesy to do sth   to be polite enough to do sth. This expression is often used when you are annoyed because someone has not behave politely

    Example: You might have had the courtesy to return my calls.

The result was that Art had three years added to his sentence and Gloria was imprisoned for her role in the misadventure.

5. imprison (v.) [ usually passive ] to put someone in a prison

    Example: Their leaders were arrested and imprisoned.

    (v.) to put someone in a place and not let them out

    (v.) to make someone feel that they are being kept in a place or situation that they cannot escape from

    Example: Imprisoned by her own fears, she never left the house.

    imprisonment (n.) the punishment of being put into prison

    Example: He was sentenced to four months' imprisonment for possession of cocaine.

    The punishment of prison life imprisonment means that someone will be kept in prison for many years, possibly until they die.

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