1.ab- = negative
abnormal [æb`nɔrm!] (adj.) not usual or typical, especially in a way that is worrying or that shows there may be something wrong or harmful
EX. An abnormal amount of snow fell here last week.
abuse [ə`bjuz](v.) to put to a wrong or improper use
EX. He abused his power while in office.
2. -tive= (n.)
alternative[ɔl`tɝnətɪv] (n.) something that you can choose instead of something else
EX. There was no alternative but to close the road until February.
objective [əb`dʒɛktɪv] (n.) something that you plan to achieve, especially in business or work
EX. The team has been successful in achieving challenging pbjectives.
adjective [`ædʒɪktɪv](n.) a word used for describing a noun or pronoun
EX. The word “big” in “ a big house” is an adjective.
3.ex- = exit
exclude[ɪk`sklud](v.) to deliberately not include something
EX. These costs have been excluded from our calculation.
exhale[ɛks`el](v.) to breathe air out through your mouth or nose
EX. He exhale a billow of cigar smoke.
external[ɪk`tɝnəl] (adj.) coming from outside a place or organization
EX. They did it in response to external pressures.
4. anthro-= human
anthropomorphic[͵ænθrəpə`mɔrfɪk] (adj.) considering something such as a god, animal, or object as having human features or qualities
philanthrope[fɪ `lænθrəpɪ](n.) the belief you should help people, especially by giving money to those who need it
misanthrope [`mɪzən͵θrop] (n.) someone who dislikes people and avoids social situatons
5. -ly=(adj.)
friendly . lovely . deadly . elderly
6. 轉
change:fundamental but not precise
alter( ← → )
EX. alternative
rotate(◎) to move in a circle around a fixed central point, or to move something in this way
EX. The earth rotates 360 degrees every 24 hours.
shift(┴┴┴) to exchange for or replace by another
EX. They shifted him to a different department.
switch(↑↓) to change from one thing to another, or to make something do this; on and off
EX.Could you switch? ( 換位子 )
7. I think, therefore I am. ( 我思故我在 )
← 口 →
減 加
X: 10
L: 50
C: 100
D: 500
M: 1000