I guess we'll never be able to quell those persistent rumors about the invention of auto tires that will never wear out, stockings that cannot tear.
1. wear out ( phrasal vb ) to use something a lot so that it no longer works, or can no longer be used
Example: The children have all worn out their shoes.
( phrasal vb ) to make someone feel very tired
Example: She was worn out from looking after her elderly mother.
Example: You need a holiday or you'll wear yourself out.
( phrasal vb ) to make a hole or mark in something by using or rubbing it a lot
Example: He'd long since worn out the knees in his old jeans. 他早就把就牛仔褲的膝蓋磨出了洞。
2. stocking (n.) a piece of clothing worn on a woman's foot and leg, held up by suspenders
Example: a pair of black stockings
A voluble economist informed me that such products will never be marketed.
3. voluble [ˋvɑljub!] (adj.) [ formal ] someone who is voluble talks a lot
(adj.) voluble speech is quick and continuous
volubility (n.), volubly (adv.)
I am dubious about the existence of those perfect products, but then I'm form Missouri.
4. dubious [ˋdjubɪəs] (adj.) not completely good, safe, or honest
Example: He had a dubious reputation in the business.
Example: The story seemed a bit dubious to me.
(adj.) not sure about the truth or quality of something, or whether you should do something +about
Example: I'm very dubious about his ability to do the job.
Example: We were dubious about signing the deal.
(adj.) use for saying that something is the opposite of the good thing you are describing it as
a dubious honour/ pleasure/ distinction
Example: I had the dubious pleasure of meeting him last night. 我昨天晚上遇見他真倒楣。
dubiously (adv.), dubiousness (n.)
5. I'm from Missouri─a skeptic, one who is not easily convinced
Example: You might swallow his promises, but I'm from Missouri.