According to its sponsors, the pill will nourish and safety.
1. nourish [ˋnʌriʃ] (v.) to give a person, animal,or plant the food and care they need to live, grow, and be healthy
Example: healthy well-nourished children
(v.) to support or encourage the development of an idea, feeling, ability etc
Example: The school's aim is to nourish young musical talent.
nourishing (adj.) providing the food needed to live, grow, and be healthy
nourishment (n.) food or the substances in food that are necessary for life, growth, and health
Example: The refugees had taken no nourishment for 24 hours.
(n.) something that encourages the development of ideas, feelings, abilities etc
Example: spiritual nourishment
I hate to disparage such a laudable achievement, but to me it seems like a most objectionable discovery.
2. disparage [dɪˋspærɪdʒ] (v.) to say unpleasant things about someone or something that show you have no respect for them
disparaging (adj.) showing that you have no respect for someone or something
Example: disparaging comments
disparagement (n.)
3. objectionable (adj.) unpleasant and offensive
Example: It's his attitude that I find particularly objectionable.
objectionably (adv.)
Rather than a scientific triumph, I'd be inclined to label it as an egregious blunder, a scientific disaster, a laboratory fiaso.
4. blunder [ˋblʌndɚ] (n.) a careless or embarrassing mistake
Example: Officials were accused of making a huge administrative blunder.
(v.) to make a careless or embarrassing mistake
Example: Government agents had blundered again and arrested the wrong man.
(v.) to move or progress in a careless way, making mistakes or creating problems as you go: + about/ around/ into
Example: Someone was blundering about in the darkness.
blundering (adj.) [ only before noun ] extremely careless or stupid
Example: He's such a blundering idiot!
Is there anyone in his right mind who thinks that a pill can replace the pleasures of devouring hot corn bread, masticating on a thick steak, biting into crisp french fries, or attacking a chocolate sundae?
5. devour [dɪˋvaʊr] (v.) to eat something very fast because you are hungry
(v.) to read, watch, or listen to something with a lot of interest or enthusiasm
Example: He was already devouring detective fiction as a young child.
(v.) if you are devoured by a feeling, you feel it very strongly and cannot get rid of it
Example: Chris was devoured by curiousity.
(v.) to destroy something completely