When the curtain came down, the critic's face registered the disdain she felt for the lackluster play.
1. register (v.) [ formal ] to show your feelings about something in your face or voice
Example: George's look registered his confusion.
(v.) [ formal ] to make your opinion known publicly or officially
Example: I decided to register a complaint with the manager.
Example: demonstrators seeking to register a protest against the new law
(v.) to show as a particular measurement on a piece of equipment
Example: an earthquake registering 5.1 on the Richter scale
(v.) to realize or notice something
Example: She did tell me she'd be out, but it didn't register.
Example: Austin stared at him, as if registering his presence for the first time.
(v.) to put your name and other information on an official list in order to be allowed to vote, study, stay in a hotel etc
Example: Have you registered for the English exam yet?
Example: When you move house you need to register with a local doctor.
Example: The company was originally registered in 1856.
Example: Briths must be registered within 42 days.
He took a full-page newspaper advertisement to promulgate his challenge.
2. promulgate [prəˋmʌl͵get] (v.) [ formal ] to make an idea or belief known to as many people as possible
promulgation (n.)
When the champ's manager saw the brash announcement, he accosted Mullins, who was surrounded by a throng of newsmen.
3. brash (adj.) behaving and talking in a loud and confident way that annoys other people
Example: a brash young salesman
(adj.) big, bright, or colourful in a way that is not attractive
The manager openly scoffed at Mullins and belittled his fighting ability.
4. scoff (v.) to laugh or say things to show that you think someone or something is stupid or deserves no respect
Example: It's easy to scoff when you haven't tried it yourself.
Example:Economic analysts scoff at claims that inflation is on the rise.
We implored the faculty advisor to promulgate the requirements for the presidency of the club.
5. faculty[ˋfæk!tɪ] (n.) a department or group of departments in a university
Example: the Faculty of Medicine
Example: the Law Faculty
(n.) all the teachers in a university, college, or school
(n.) [ often plural ] a natural physical or mental ability that most people have
mental faculities( = the ability to think clearly )
Example: He had not lost his mental faculities.
be in full possession of your faculities ( = have all the normal mental and physical abilities )
critical faculities (= the ability to make judgements about things )
Example: For the moment her critical faculities seemed to have deserted her.