He sprang from his stool and charged across the ring, showing disdain for the champion's strength.
1. stool (n.) a seat that has legs but no support for your back or arms
Example: a bar/ piano stool
fall between two stools to fail because of not definitely being either one thing or another
2. disdain (n.) the feeling that someone or something is not important and does not deserve any respect
disdain (v.), disdainful (adj.)
Although this belligerent attitude impressed the referee, it failed to intimidate the champ.
3. belligerent [bəˋlɪdʒərənt] (adj.) very unfriendly and angry
Example: belligerent behaviour
belligerence (n.), belligerently (adv.)
4. intimidate [ɪnˋtɪmə͵det] (v.) to deliberately make someone feel frightened especially so that they will do what you want
Example: The report said he used harassment and threats to intimidate television journalists.
(v.) to frighten someone or make them feel nervous
Example: Adult courtrooms will inevitably intimidate young children.
intimidation (n.)
intimidated (adj.) [ never before noun ] feeling nervous or frightened of someone or something
Example: Children cannot learn if they feel intimidated.
intimidating (adj.) making you feel nervous, frightened, or less confident
Example: We certainly weren't friends with our teachers ─ we found them very intimidating.
Example: the intimidating presence of my step-father
That intrepid battler laid the hapless Mullins low with an adroit feint and an uppercut.
5. feint (n.) a movement that you pretend to make, especially to trick an opponent in a sport or fight