1. epi- = among; on; upon
epicenter (n.) the area of land directly over the center of an earthquake
episode (n.) an event or set of events that forms part of a longer series but is considered separately
Example: After this episode, relations between them were strained.
(n.) a part of a television or radio story that is broadcast separately and forms one of a series
epigram (n.) a short poem or sentense that expresses something in a clever or funny way
2. sur- = excessive; above; too much
surpass (v.) to be better or greater than something else
Example: India's population now surpasses that of Africa.
(v.) to be even better than what was expected or hoped for
Example: Winning the gold medal surpassed my wildest dreams.
surpass yourself to do something better than you had ever expected
surname (n.) the name that you share with other members of your family. In English it is the last part of your full name.
3. rupt= break
corrupt (adj.) doing dishonest, illegal, or immoral things in order to gain money or power
Example: corrupt politicians/ officials/ judges
(adj.) used about societies or systems
Example: a brutal, corrupt, and violent dictatorship
(v.) to encourage someone to start doing dishonest, illegal, or immoral things
Example: In his view, the people have been corrupted by their desire for wealth.
(v.) to damage or spoil something
Example: I feared that my taste might have become corrupted.
corruptible (adj.) capable of being corrupted
corruption (n.) dishonest or illegal behavior by officials or people in positions of power, especially when they accept money in exchange for doing thins for someone
Example: the arrest of a number of officials on corruption charges
(n.) the process of corrupting someone or something
Example: corruption of the morals of the young
disrupt (v.) to interrupt something and prevent it from continuing by creating a problem
Example: Protesters tried to disrupt the meeting.
disruption (n.) a situation in which something cannot continue because of a problem
Example: The train strikes caused major disruption to thousands of commuters.
(n.) a problem or action that interrupts something and prevent it from continuing
disruptive (adj.) causing difficulties that interrupt something or prevents it from continuing
Example: disruptive pupils
disruptively (adv.)
4. reg= rule; king
regime [reiˋʒim] (n.) a government that controls a country, especially in a strict or unfair way