
Some of their neighbours interchanged glances, and one of them─one of the ill-bred people whom one does meet abroad─leant forward over the table and actually intruded into their argument.

1. intrude  [ɪnˋtrud] (v.) to become involved in a situation in a way that is not welcome to other people, for example by getting involved in their private lives

    Example: I was very concerned about her but I didn't want to intrude.

    Example: Civil Rights campaigners say the new laws will intrude on people's personal freedom.

    (v.) to enter a place where you are not allowed to go

    Example: One of their planes intruded into our airspace.

    intruder (n.) someone who enters a place where they are not allowed to go, especially to commit a crime

    Example: The dog scared off intruders who had tried to break into the house.

    (n.) someone who becomes involved in a situation in which they are not welcome

    Example: I don't belong here. I feel like an intruder.

    intrusion (n.) something that interrupts a peaceful situation or a private event

    Example: It's so quiet here that the occasional distant noise is the only intrusion.

    (n.) the act of becoming involved in something in a way that is not welcome

    Example: How do you deal with the constant intrusions of the media?

    Example: This is another example of government intrusion into football.

    intrusive (adj.) interrupting a peaceful situation

    Example: intrusive noise/ lights/ tourists

    (adj.) becoming involved in something in a way that is not welcome

    Example: I found their question quite intrusive.

He didn't look at the ladies as he spoke, but his voice was perplexed and sorrowful.

2. perplex [pɚˋplɛks] (v.) to make someone feel perplexed

    perplexed (adj.) confused because you cannot understand something: bewildered

    Example: ‘ What's the matter?’ Rob said, looking totally perplexed.

    perplexedly (adv.)

    perplexing (adj.) confusing

    perplexity  [pɚˋplɛksɪtɪ] (n.) a confused feeling because you cannot understand something: confusion

    Example: They stared in perplexity at the map.

    (n.) [ usually plural ] something that makes a subject or situation difficult to understand

    Example: the perplexities of human biology

〝No harm, of course. But we could not be under an obligation.〞

3. obligation (n.) a grateful feeling that you have towards someone who has done something for you

    Example: She felt a certain obligation towards him because of everything he had done for her in the past.

    Example: Emma felt a tremendous sense of obligation towards her sister.

    (n.) something that you must to do for legal or moral reasons

    Example: The company have an obligation to its customers.

    Example: Estimates are availabe on request, without obligation.

    under an obligation 1 forced to do something for legal or moral reasons

    Example: Our client is under no obligation to accept your offer.

    Example: Local authorities should be placed under an obligation to complete the work.

    2 feeling grateful towards someone who has done something for you

    Example: I just don't want to be under an obligation to him.

    obligatory  [əˋblɪgə͵torɪ] (adj.) [ formal ] something that is obligatory must be done in order to obey a law or rule: compulsory, mandatory

    Example: It is obligatory for members to be insured.

    obligated [ˋɑblɪgetɪd]  (adj.) [ formal ] be/ feel obligated to do sth if you are obligated to do something, you must do it because it is your duty or it is morally right

    Example: The committee are then obligated to take any comments into consideration.

    be/ feel obligated to sb to feel that you owe someone something because of what they have done for you

    oblige [əˋblaɪdʒ] (v.) [ usually passive ] [ formal ] to force someone to do something because it is the law, a rule, or a duty

    Example: Employers are legally obliged to pay the minimum wage.

    (v.) to help someone by doing something that they have asked you to do

    Example: If there's anything else I can do, I'm always happy to oblige.

    obliging [əˋblaɪdʒɪŋ] (adj.) willing to help someone

    Example: An obliging porter carried our bags to our room.

4. compulsory [kəmˋpʌlsərɪ] something that is compulsory must be done because of a rule or law

    Example: School uniform is no longer compulsory in many British schools.

5. mandatory  [ˋmændə͵torɪ] (adj.) ordered by a law or rule

    Example: A new accounting system will soon become mandatory for all departments.

    Example: It's mandatory to wear a seat belt in the UK.



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