
1. -ant = person

     accountant (n.) someone whose job is to prepare financial records for a company or person

     assistant (n.) someone whose job is to help another person in their work, for example by doing the easier parts of it

     Example: a personal assistant

     servant (n.) somone whose job is to cook, clean, or do other work in someone else's home

2. acro- = topmost; high

    acrobat  [ˋækrəbæt] (n.) someone who can balance, jump, and turn their body in skillful ways, especially as a form of entertainment

    acronym (n.) an abbreviation consisting of letters that form a word. For example, NATO is an acronym for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    acropolis (n.) the fortified height of an ancient Greek city

3. -en = (v.)

    enlarge, widen, broaden

    strengthen (v.) to make your body physically stronger or more healthy

    Example: Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart. 有氧運動能使心臟更健康。

    (v.) to make something stronger so that it will take more weight or force without breaking

    Example: The bridge will need to be strengthened.

    (v.) to make a feeling, decision, relationship etc stronger or more powerful

    Example: Her objections only strengthened my resolve to open my own business.

4. -less = negative

    cloudless (adj.) a cloudless sky has no clouds in it

    groundless (adj.) not based on evidence or good reasons


5. aero- = air

    aerobatics  [eərəˋbætɪks] (n.) [ plural ] impressive and clever movements in the air made by a plane

    aerobics [͵eəˋrobɪks] (n.) very active physical exercises done while listening to music, often in a class

    aerobic (adj.)

    aerodynamic (adj.) an aerodynamic shape or design allows a plane, car etc to move through the air in a smooth and fast way

    aerodynamically (adv.)

6. psych- = spirit; soul; mind

    psychiatric [͵saɪkɪˋætrɪk] (adj.) connected with the treatment of mental illness

    Example: a psychiatric unit 精神科

    psychiatrist (n.) a doctor who treats people with mental illness

    psychological (adj.) involving or affecting your mind

    Example: Harry's problems are more psychological than physical.

    psychologist (n.) someone who studies how people's minds work and how this affects their behaviour

    psychology (n.) the study of the mind how it affects behaviour

    psychometric  [͵saɪkoˋmɛtrɪk] (adj.) measuring a person's ability to think, especially in order to judge how suitable they are for a particular job

    Example:  psychometric testing 心理測驗





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