
1. di- = apart

    division [di`viʒən](n.) the process od separating people or things into smaller groups    +of

    EX. Civil war eventually led to a permanent division of the country.

    divison of sth into sth

    EX. Many parents opposed the divison of the classes into different sets.

    (n.) the process of separating something into smaller parts and sharing it among two or more people  +of

    EX. the divison of the land after the previous owner died

    divison of sth between/ among sb

    EX. a fair divison of responsibilities among the members of the committee

    (n.) part of organization

    (n.) a calculation in mathematics of how many times a number is contained in a larger number

    (n.) a disagreement between people, especially between people who belong to the same group

    EX. The argument revealed deep divisons in the ranks of the Party.

    (n.) a difference in the way that people within the same community or country live, how much money they have, how educated they are etc

    EX. the growing divison between rich and poor

    (n.) system of voting

    (n.) separation of cells

    divorce(v.) to take legal action to end your marrige

    (n.)a legal way of ending a marrige

    get a divorce

    EX. Is it true Tom's getting a divorce?

    end in divorce

    EX. Both of her marriages ended in divorce.

    grounds for divorce = a good reason for it

    EX. Does he have grounds for divorce?

    differentiate(v.) to see or show a difference between things

    EX. Present your main arguments in clearly differentiated paragraphs.

    (v.) to be the quality or fact that makes one thing different from another

    EX. The ability to speak differentiates humans from other animals.

2. de- = down; away from

    departure(n.) an occasion when someone leaves a job or an organization

    EX. Things had got worse since his departure from head office.

    (n.) an occasion when someone leaves a place, for example to go on a journey

    EX. The house was quiet again, after the noise of their departure.

    (n.) the time when a plane, bus, or train that leaves a place

    EX. a 10 o'clock departure

    (n.) a plane, bus, or train that leaves a place

    EX. The next departure for New York will be at 11.

    (n.) something vew and different 

    EX. Being a teacher is a totally new departure for me.

    depreciate(v.) to become less valuable than before

    (v.)[ formal ]to make something seem less important than it really is

    descend(v.)[ formal ] to go down a mountain or slope, or to go downstairs

    (v.) to come nearer to the ground

    EX. The plane was preparing to descend.

    (v.) to become lower

    (v.)[ literary ] if night or darkness descends, it starts to get dark

    if something such as a feeling or quality descends, people start to experience it

    EX. Total silence descended.

3. dia- = through

    diagnose [`daɪəgnoz](v.) to find out what physical or mental problem someone has by examining them

    EX. These questions help doctors diagnose personality disorders.

    diagnose sb with sth

    EX. When Eva was first diagnosed with cancer she was twenty.

    diagnose sb/sth as sth

    EX. A psychiatrist diagnosed her as severely depressed.

    (v.) to find out why something such as a piece of equipment or software is not working

    EX. Scanning software can diagnose general disk faults.

    dialogue [`daɪə͵lɔg](n.) a process in which two people or groups have discussions in order to solve problems


     EX. the need for dialogue between both parents


     EX. They are trying to open a dialogue with the opposing party.

     (n.) the words characters speak in a bood, play, or flim

     diameter[daɪ`æmətɚ](n.) a straight line that crosses a circle through the centre

4. ann- = year

    annuity [ə`njuətɪ](n.) a fixed amount of money that someone receives regularly each year

    (n.) an amount of money that is invested in order to earn interest that is then paid to someone each year for the rest of their life

    annual(adj.) happening once a year

    (adj.) calculated or considered over a period of one year

    EX. an annual salary/ total/ average

    (n.) a book or magazine published once every year

    (n.) a plant that grows and dies in the same year

    anniversary(n.) a date when you celebrate something that happened in a previous year that is important to you

    EX. There was a concert to mark the 10th anniversary of Mandela's release from jail.

5. cr- 狀聲詞

    crispy(adj.) food that is crispy is firm in a pleasant way, and makes a noise when you bite it

    crack(n.) a short sudden loud noise like a small explosion

    crash(n.) a loud noisd like the sound of two hard things hitting each other and breaking

6. sub- = under

    subconscious(adj.) relating to thoughts or feelings that you have but do not think about, or do not realize you have

    EX. You dislike of water is perhaps due to a subconscious fear of drowning.

    submarine(n.) a ship that can travel both on the surface of the water and under water

    (adj.)[ technical ] under the surface of the sea

    submerge(v.) to put something completely under water

    EX. Floods have submerged parts of the island, killing 29 people.

    (v.)[ usually passive ] if something is submerged, it becomes hidden so that people do not notice it or think about it

    EX. She felt her individuality was being submerged by family life.

    submerge yourself in sth= to become very involved in something so that you do not think about anything else

7. auto- = self

    autobiography(n.) a book about your life that you write yourself

    automatic(adj.) an automatic machine or process words by itself rather than being operated by people

    EX. an automatic door

    (adj.) dome without conscious thought or intention, especially because of habit

    (adj.) happening as a result of specific conditions, rules, or laws, without a special decision being made

    EX. Taxpayers who do not send in their forms face an automatic fine.

    autonomy [ɔ`tɑnəmɪ] (n.) a situation in which a state, region, or organization is independent and has the power to govern itself

    EX. Rebel leaders are demanding autonomy for the region.

    (n.) the power to make your own decisions

    EX. New regulations have severely restricted the autonomy of doctors.

8. mono- = one

    monogamy[mə`nɑgəmɪ](n.) the practice of being married to only one person at a time

    monopoly(n.) a company that has complete control of the product or service it provides because it is the only company that provides it

    EX. It is the government's intention to break up all monopolies.

    a virtual/near monopoly

    EX. The company has a virtual monopoly on tea sales.

    enjoy/ exercise/ have/ hold a monopoly

    EX. He did not enjoy an absolute monopoly.

    (n.) something that only one person or group of people has

    EX. Celebrities don't have a monopoly on being interesting.

    monochrome[`mɑnə͵krom](adj.) able to show or produce only black, white, and grey

    (adj.) in art, using different shades of a single colour

9. bi- = two

    binoculars [bɪ`nɑkjəlɚs](n.) a piece of equipment with two parts that you hold against your eyes and look through to see distant objects more clearly

    bisexual(adj.) sexually attracted to both men and women

    bilingual[baɪ`lɪŋgwəl](adj.) someone who is bilingual is able to speak two languages extremely well

    (adj.) involving or written in two languages

    (n.) someone who is biolingual

10. tri- = three

    triangle(n.) a flat shape that has straight sides and three angles

    trilogy [`trɪlədʒɪ](n.) a series of three books, films, or plays

    trilateral [`traɪ`lætərəl](adj.) involving three countries or organizations

    EX. trilateral negotiations

11. qua- = four

    quatrain(n.) [ technical ] a group of four lines in a poem

    quarter(n.) one of four equal parts of something

    EX. Over a quarter of our income goes on food.

    (n.) one of four periods of 15 minutes that an hour is divided into when you are telling the time

    (n.) coin with 25 cents

    (v.) to cut something into four equal parts

    EX. Quarter the apples and put them in a dish.

    quadriplegic[͵kwɑdrə`plɛdʒɪk](adj.) someone who is quadriplegic has an illness or injury below their neck

12. penta- = five

    pentagram(n.) a star with five points that is often used as a magic symbol

    pentagon(n.) a shape with five sides, usually of equal length, and angles greater than 90°

    pentameter(n.) [ technical ] a line of poetry with five strong beats

13. oct- = eight

    octagon(n.) a shape with eight straight sides of equal length

    octave(n.) a seriesof eight musical notes in a musical scale

    octogenarian [͵ɑktədʒə`nɛrɪən](n.)[ formal ] someone who is between 80 and 89 years old

14. nov= new

    novice(n.) someone who is just beginning to learn a skill or subject

    EX. Climbing in the Himalayas is not for novices.

    innovation(n.) a new idea, method, piece of equipment etc

    renovate(v.) to make something old look new again by repairing and improving it, especially a building







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