
1. en = put into

    envisage  [ɪnˋvɪzɪdʒ] (v.) to consider something as possible or what you intend 展望;設想

    Example: The plan envisaged the creation of regional councils.

    envisage doing sth

    Example: We envisage charging a small sum for the use of our services.

    (v.) to imagine something that has not happened or does not exist

    Example: When he built this house, he never envisaged how much the area would change.

    difficult/ hard to envisage

    Example: It is difficult to envisage living without the telephone.

    engrave (v.) to cut words or pictures into a had surface such as stone, metal, or glass

    be engraved on your memory/ mind/ heart  to be impossible to forget

    engraving (n.) a picture made by cutting a design into a metal plate, putting ink on it, and pressing it onto paper 版畫;雕版印刷品

    (n.) the process or art of engraving things

    endorce [ɪnˋdɔrs] (v.) to express support for someone or something, especially in public

    Example: All endorced the treaty as critically important to achieve peace.

    (v.) if someone famous endorses a product, they say in advertisements that they like it

    (v.) to write your name on the back of a check or official document to make it legal (在支票或正式文件的背面)簽名;背書

    endorcement (n.) an occasion when someone gives official or public support to a particular person or thing

    Example: The election result can be seen as an endorcement of the government's record.

2. ad = forward

    advance (v.) to move forward and towards someone or something

    (v.) to progress and become better or more developed

    Example: Information technology has advanced dramatically since the 1960s.

    Example: His cancer had now advanced so far that it could not be treated.

    (v.) to help something progress and become more developed or successful

    Example: They use the Internet as a tool to advance their research.

    Example: He will to anything to advance his career.

    adjust (v.) to change something slightly in order to make it better, more accurate, or more effective

    advocate  [ˋædvəkɪt] (v.) to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things

    Example: There is no point advocating improved public transport unless we can pay for it.

3. ac- = get

    accommdate  [əˋkɑmə͵det] (v.) to provide a place or room for someone to stay in

    Example: Designed by an Italian architect, the hotel can accommodate 600 guests.

    (v.) to provide enough space for something or someone

    Example: The new facility will easily accommodate 50 workstations.

    (v.) to supply enough seats or room for people or things

    Example: Our ships accommodate up to 150.

    accommodating (adj.) helpful and easy to work with: obliging

    Example: I found the staff accommodating and knowledgeable.

    Example: We expected a more accommodating attitude during discussions.

    accommodation (n.) a place for someone to stay, live, or work in

    accumulate  [əˋkjumjə͵let] (v.) to get more and more of something over a period of time

    Example: Over the years, I had accumulated hundreds of books.

    accumulation (n.), accumulative (adj.), accumulatively (adv.)

    acquire (v.) to get a new skill or new knowledge by learning it

    Example: How can such a large quantity of knowledge be acquired?

    (v.) to get a particular reputation, position, or name

    (v.) to gradually develop or learn something

    acquire a taste for sth ( = start to like it )

    Example: I've never really acquired a taste for wine.

    acquired taste (= something you do not like at first, but gradually start to enjoy )

    Example: Decaffeinated coffee is an acquired taste.

    acquire the habit ( of doing sth ) ( = start to do something regularly, without thinking about why )

    Example: We want people to acquire the habit of using public transport instead of their cars.

4. mono- = single

    monocycle (n.) a glass lens for one eye, used in the past to help you see better

    monolingual (adj.) speaking, writing, or using only one language

    monorail (n.) a railway system in which trains travel on a single metal track

    Example: a train on a monorail system





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