
      orientation[͵orɪɛn`teʃən](n.) information or training that you are given before you start a new job or activity

        EX. I needed some orientation at this stage.

        originate`rɪdʒə͵net] (v.) to begin to exist or appear for the first time

       EX. The Industrial Revolution originated from the invention of the steam engine.

       original`rɪdʒən!](adj.) existing at the beginning of a period or process, before any changes have been made

       EX. The original price of the car was a bit too high.

2.spec=to look

       spectator[spɛk`tetɚ](n. ) someone who watches a public activity or event, especially a sports event

       EX. The game drew thousands of spectators.

       inspect [ɪn`spɛkt](v.) to look at something carefully in order to check that it is correct or good enough

       EX. Engineers will inspect the site later today.

       spectacular[spɛk`tækjəlɚ](adj.) extremely impressive

       EX. We had a spectacular view of the coastline from the airplane.

3.audi=to listen

       audience[`ɔdɪəns](n.) a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a movie, performance, speech, etc. The people who watch a sports game or other large event are usually called spectators or the crowd

       EX. He offended many in the audience with his insensitive remarks.

       audible[`ɔdəb!](adj.) loud enough for people to hear

       EX. The sound of a door opening was clearly audible.

       auditorium[͵ɔdə`torɪəm](n.) a large room or building used for meetings, lectures, or public performances


       evacuate`vækjʊ͵et](v.) to leave a building or other place because it is not safe

       EX. If the alarm sounds, all students should evacuate immediately.

       evaluate`væljʊ͵et](v.) to think carefully about something before making a judgment about its value, importance, or quality

       EX. The performance of each employee is evaluated once a year.

       evade`ved](v.) to avoid accepting or dealing with something that you should do

       EX. She was found guilty of evading taxes amounting to nearly $500,000.


       hypothesis[haɪ`pɑθəsɪs](n.) an idea that attempts to explain something but has not yet been tested or proved to be correct

        EX. Our findings support the hypothesis that these patients are at increased risk of heart disease.

       hypocrisy[hɪ`pɑkrəsɪ](n.) behavior in which someone claims to have certain moral principles or beliefs but behaves in a way that shows they are not sincere

        EX. There is a degree of hypocrisy in expressing outrage at environmental disasters while doing nothing to prevent them.

        hypotension [͵haɪpə`tɛnʃən](n.) abnormally low blood pressure


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