
Chester, were sent to the principal by their French teacher, an implacable foe of nonconformists, who went into a paroxysm of anger when she spied the boys in the hall.

1. implacable  [ɪmˋplækəb!] (adj.) having or expressing very angry and determined feelings that will not change: cannot be pacified, inexorable 無法平息的;冷漠嚴峻的

    Example: the country's implacable opposition to the war

    pacify (v.) to make someone who is angry, worried, upset feel calmer or happier

    Example: The statement was clearly intended to pacify worried consumers.

    (v.) to establish peace in a place by ending a war or violence

    pacific (adj.) wanting peace, or trying to end fights and arguments

    pacifist (n.) someone who believes that violence is wrong and refuses to fight in wars

    pacifism(n.) the belief that violence is wrong and that people should refuse to fight in wars

    pacifier (n.) someone or something that is able to make people become peaceful or calm

2. nonconformist  [͵nɑnkənˋfɔrmɪst] (n.) someone who does not think or behave in the usual way

3. paroxysm  [ˋpærəks͵ɪzəm] (n.) [ formal ] a sudden uncontrolled expression of emotion:a fit, sudden outburst + of

    Example: paroxysm of laughter

    fit (n.) a strong sudden physical reaction you cannot control, for example coughing or laughing

    fit of laughter

    Example: Everyone collapsed in fits of laughter.

    fit of the giggles

    Example: Julie suddenly got a fit of the giggles.

    a coughing/ sneezing fit

    Example: When his sneezing fit was over, Mike resumed lecturing.

    (n.) a sudden strong emotion that you cannot control

    a fit of rage/ jealousy/ panic

    Example: She smashed the plate in a fit of rage.

    fit of depression

    Example: He often suffers from fits of depression.

But the boys' parents decided that the school have overstepped its jurisdiction; they look their case to the newspapers.

4. overstep (v.) to do something that is considered rude or is not allowed

    overstep the bounds/ rules/ limits of sth

    Example: The committee had overstepped the bounds of its authority.

    overstep the mark to do or say something that breaks a rule and makes people angry

5. jurisdiction [͵dʒʊrɪsˋdɪkʃən] (n.) the right or power to make legal decisions 司法權;審判權

    have jurisdiction over sb/ sth

    Example: This court does not have jurisdiction over crimes committed in another state.

    within/ outside sb's jurisdiction

    Example: a crime which is outside the jurisdiction of the British legal system

    (n.) a country or area in which a particular legal system operates (司法體系的)管轄範圍;管轄區域

    Example: The system is used in several European jurisdictions, for example, Germany and Holland.


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