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His gloom was now compounded by the failing mark on his geometry test.

1. gloom(n.) the feeling of having no hope

nina82753 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have feigned sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon.

1. preoccupation(n.) a state in which you think about something so much that you do not think about other things

nina82753 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

He didn't say any more, but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understand that he meant a great deal more than that.

1. communicative [kə`mjunə͵ketɪv] (adj.) willing to tell things to other people

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How paradoxical that the world's greatest chefs have all been men!

1. paradoxical [͵pærə`dɑksɪk!] (adj.) strange because of being the opposite of what you expect

nina82753 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A British scientist has prognosticated that within ten years every suburban matron will have her own robot servant.

1. prognosticate[prɑg`nɑstɪk](v.)[ very formal ] to say what you think will happen in the future

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The youngster who reads voraciously, though indiscriminately, does not necessarily gain in wisdom over the teenager who is more selective in his reading choices.

1. voracious [vo`reʃəs](adj.) a voracious person or animal eats a large amount of food

nina82753 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1.synthesize [`sɪnθə͵saɪz](v.) to combine different ideas, styles, or systems into a single idea or system

   Example: The final chapter attempts to synthesize the arguments.

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