As simply as the eye can discern, it is a hard plastic strip, about the size of a ruler, which fits comfortably into a woman's handbag or a man's suit jacket.

1. discern [dɪˋzɝn] (v.) [ formal ] to notice something, especially after thinking about it carefully or studying it

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On numerous speaking engagements, he railed against drunkness and swore that any such culprit who was found behind the wheel of a car would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

1. engagement (n.) a formal agreement to get married

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Since literature reflects life, we can expect to find similar instances in which a person's ethics are compromised, and he falls prey to the pernicious evil that he had publicly denounced.

1. instance (n.) an example of something happening

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Throughout literature we find recurring tales of forthright people who are outspoken in condemning illegal practices only to be brought low themselves when they, or members of their families, commit such acts.

1. forthright (adj.) saying what you and think directly and honestly, without being afraid of other people's reactions

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Far from being a clandestine activity, the cheating was open and obvious.

1. clandestine  [klænˋdɛstɪn] (adj.) [ mainly literary ] secret and often illegal

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Mr. Dorsey summoned a representative group of teachers and student leaders to his office in order to elicit their reactions to the suspension of the football captain.

1. summon [ˋsʌmən] (v.) [ formal ] to officially order someone to come to a place, especially a court of law

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Under duress, the faculty reported the names of the culprits.

1. duress [ˋdjʊrɪs] (n.) [ formal ] force or threats that make someone do something they do not want to

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Mr.Dorsey, our new principal, determined to do something about the flagrant cheating at out high school.

1. flagrant [ˋflegrənt] (adj.) done in an obvious way that shows you do not care if you break rules or offend people

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humidity (n.) the amount of water in the air

dehumidifier (n.) a piece of equipment that removes water from the atmosphere

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In order to protect the environment and give workers fair pay, a campaign for “slow clothes” has started in Europe and America.

1. campaign (n.) a series of actions intended to produce political or social change

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