In order to cut down on waste and to create more energy, sewage will be used to create methane gas that can be used for cooking.

1. cut down ( phrasal vb ) cut down sth to reduce an amount of something

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Dr. Gerard K. O'Neill, a famous physicist from Princeton University, has said that in the future we will have satellites in space to produce solar energy and send it to the Earth.

1. satellite  [ˋsæt!͵aɪt] (n.) an object that is sent into space to travel round the Earth in order to receive and send information

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Many hearing-impaired people use sign languages, in which gestures do the work of the sound system of spoken languages.

1. hearing-impaired (adj.) unable to hear as well as most people can. Many people prefer this word to deaf.

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Urban Planning

1. urban (adj.) [ usually befor noun ] relating to towns and cities, or happening there

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If they do not lift their hand from the paper, they can smudge the ink.

1. smudge  [smʌdʒ] (v.) if you smudge something such as ink, or it smudges, you make it spread across the page in an untidy way by touching it when it is still wet

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1. anthro- = human

    anthropology  [͵ænθrəˋpɑlədʒɪ] (n.) the study of human societies, customs, and beliefs. Someone who studies anthropology is called an anthropologist

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“Sure, the Yankees won their opening game, but one swallow does not make a summer.”

1. one swallow doesn't make a summer─ don't jump to conclusions based on incomplete evidence

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George Orwell's 1984 depicts a frightening, monolithic government.

1. depict  [dɪˋpɪkt] (v.) to describe someone or something using words or pictures: portray

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“These are not delinquents or hoods,” one reporter wrote, “ but cleancut American boys who are being harassed by a monolithic school system.”

1. delinquent [dɪˋlɪŋkwənt] (n.) someone, especially a young person, who behaves in a way that is criminal or antisocial

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Do you think English will always be the international language?   

    Yes. We can discuss this issue with focus on several aspects. First of all, English is easy to write. Second, the Hollywood's movie and the pop music in US are swept by dozens of supporters. Last but not least, people have already get used to it that English has been the universal language so many years, and it's hard to change our stereotype.

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